Sunday, February 6, 2011

Speak Up

 Before I decided to write a blog, I found myself torn because I knew that a blog would be a great way for other young women who have experienced motherhood as a teen to connect and share their stories. On the other hand, however, I found it difficult to find that same certainty when deciding whether or not I had anything important to say. Have you ever felt that way?  Sometimes there are all these great people around us and we think to ourselves, “Wow! I wish I could be like that!”  Now, I know everyone should be raising their hands on this one. We live in a world where we are constantly trying to make ourselves better. Whether it is through make-up, the clothes we wear, the job we have, or the amount of money we make, we are always trying to build ourselves up. So I know that you too think of ways to better yourself.  I know that I do. SO why can’t you?
How many times have you heard people talk about the power of one? Let me tell you, it is so true. We ALL have a unique story, and within each and every one of those stories is the power to impact the life of someone else. That truly is the power of one. Just as my experience being a teen mom will differ from yours, yours will be different from the next person’s. So, tell your story whenever you can because your story holds inspiration for someone else. You have something important to say! You just have to stop letting your fears silence you.
I went to a presentation by Zach Mercurio and Keith Lopez at Colorado State University. They talked about finding your purpose. This presentation really had my attention because I am a firm believer that there is a purpose for each life. The problem is that most people are living a “bull**** purpose as they called it. They said that we constantly are killing our dreams-YES you to are a dream killer. We have our moments when we think of something awesome to do and then within seconds of the thought we begin to tell ourselves that we can’t do it.
 Don’t you just hate that word- CAN’T?  I do! Well stop living in the CAN’T and speak up! Tell your story! I promise you that you will never hear one just like it.

The Mic is YOURS!

 We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.” 

-Eleanor Roosevelt 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Why Green Places Empowering the Teen Mom?

 I am sure you are wondering why the name, “Green Places Empowering the Teen Mom”. Well it’s a simple story really.
Saleah 7months
After the death of my daughter I was really angry at the world and especially at this being God. Everyone kept telling me that God did this for a reason; that there is a reason why Saleah (my daughter) died that Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately, that was not the explanation I was looking for.
 I had an awesome high school social worker and he tried all the time to get me to come to church with him, I always refused. Until one day. Now it is important to know that at the time I lived really far away from the school it was a two hour bus ride and only 30 minutes in the car.
So this was the deal; he would give me and my sister a ride home only if we went to church and listened to T.D. Jakes speak. It was a really cold night and I somewhat liked T.D. Jakes. It was a deal. I sat there in the audience really close minded. I did not want to be there but then he started telling the story of how God fed all these people in the desert with one fish and one loaf of bread. These people were in a desert place yet, they saw green pastures. Then T.D. Jakes challenged us to look in our rearview mirrors and find what green places God has given us.
Well when I looked into my rearview mirror my green place was my daughter.   So I guess now I am posing the same question to all young mothers….What Green Places has life given you? I say life because I am no religious guru, but I do know that sometimes things happen in our lives that can change who we are. That green place can become that light in our lives. Before I had her I felt that I was in such a dark place. I didn’t understand why I was dealt such crappy cards in this game of life. But once I saw her face a very special light entered my life and I started to see green pastures.
Green Pastures
 So again, I challenge you to think of the Green Places life has given you and let that empower you to be GREAT by your own definition. And that is how you get…. “Green Places Empowering the Teen Mom”.